Therapy services

Manayunk, Philadelphia

Therapy for Children, Adolescents and Adults


Telehealth & In Office therapy

Therapy sessions can be provided both in the Manayunk office location or over Zoom; based on client preference. All necessary precautions are in place to keep clients safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. There is a HEPA filter in the office and the space is cleaned in-between sessions.

Individual Psychotherapy

Our childhood environment and family dynamic will shape how we function and perceive the world as adults. I will help support you in reflecting back and processing how these experiences have molded you. This can feel overwhelming! We can reflect together on ways to manage the feelings that come with looking back. Knowing and understanding ourselves is the journey to true healing. You will get there!

Child and Adolescent PsychoTherapy

Working with children and teens is why I came into this line of work. Children are often misunderstood and don’t feel like they have a voice. This frustration will lead to children acting out and parents feeling helpless. I will help support your child to express themselves in a healthy and productive way. Through individual and family therapy, I will support you as a parent to be able to reconnect with your child again.

Trauma Specialized Treatment

Traumatic experiences bring shame and isolation. Our bodies will remember the trauma, but often our brains will block these memories to protect us from the pain. This disconnect can impact our ability to truly connect to others and brings upon stress that feels too much to manage. Through trauma treatment, we will face these traumatic experiences together and I will support you in reconnecting your mind and body in healing.